Believe me, this is the best gift you can ever give yourself!
Around me I see so many people struggling or suffering, either because they are too hard on themselves or because they are trapped in feelings of anger, resentment or sadness and unable to forgive, let go and move on with their lives. I would like to give you the tools so that you can lead a happier, lighter and more peaceful life.
The goal of this program is to let go of all the things of the past that are no longer useful, that are a burden and that will probably stop you from being happy and being your best version from now towards the future.

In this program you will learn in a pragmatic and dynamic way how to forgive and to let go of any hurt, grudges and grievances. You will learn about the importance of forgiveness and about living your life with compassion towards yourself and others as key steps to feel happier, lighter and at peace with yourself. It is a profound and transformational program that will help you to take back the leadership in your life.
In the first part of the program we will focus on self-compassion: how can we treat ourselves with more kindness and compassion and change our inner dialogue. In the remaining part of the program we will focus on forgiveness: how can we learn to forgive somebody that hurt us (which can be ourselves) and to let go of this burden.
What do we need to bring to the program?
An open mind, willingness to work in depth on matters that might be intense or emotional, willingness to share and learn from others, and above all, willingness to leave the program lighter and happier!
Not forgiving leads to bitterness and hatred. Without forgiveness, we remain tethered to the person who harmed us. We are bound with chains of bitterness and anger. Until we can forgive the person who harmed or hurt us, that person will hold the keys to our happiness. When we forgive, we take back control of our own destiny and our feelings. We become our own liberators. We don ́t forgive to help the other person. We forgive to free ourselves. Forgiveness, in other words, is the best form of self-care and self-compassion.
Every day there are many occasions when we can feel frustration, simply because our expectations have not been met. Many times we blame someone or the entire world for how we feel when we are frustrated. It is very likely that we react with disappointment, anger, resentment, fear, guilt, shame, etc. These feelings create a lot of weight that we take with us anywhere we go and that have a strong impact on our own happiness and on the quality of our relationships with others. What would change if we consciously choose another way to handle these types of situations from now on? How could we be able to have more compassion for ourselves and for others at the same time?
- Forgiveness is a gift we give to ourselves; we will gain inner peace, greater spiritual and psychological well-being, greater self-esteem, more freedom and more energy.
- Forgiveness is beneficial to our health: less anxiety, stress and angst; fewer symptoms of depression; a stronger immune system; a healthier heart and blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels.
- Forgiveness offers freedom from the past, from a person who hurt us and from future victimisation.
- Forgiveness heals people, families, teams, organisations, communities and the relationships between them. Why? Hurt people hurt people and healed people heal people. Once our wounds are healed, we will be better able to create, cultivate and maintain healthy, constructive, meaningful and lasting relationships with ourselves and others.
Her passion for forgiveness is based on her own life experience and all the struggles and challenges that she needed to go through to overcome a turbulent youth. Once she managed to forgive, it brought her so much: inner peace, happiness, acceptance, love, and a bright future. Judith would love to share this experience with other people and give them the tools to live happier, lighter and more peaceful lives. She really believes in the transformative power of forgiveness and sees this program as her contribution to creating a better and more peaceful world.
Based on her own life journey, she designed a forgiveness training in 2016, named “Letting Shit Go” which she has been delivering since then in Madrid, Barcelona, Vienna, Bogotá, Munich, Amsterdam, Honolulu, and recently online. Besides this, she is a trained facilitator of the “Forgive for Good” program of Dr. Fred Luskin, Founder and Director of the Stanford Forgiveness Project from Stanford University.
She would love to call herself “The Forgiveness Facilitator”.
“Forgive others not because they deserve forgiveness but because you deserve peace.”
Never have I ever experienced more gratitude, openness, heart-centered and compassionate facilitation, discussions, emotions, laughter and end results.
If you do one thing this year, do this: I promise you will grow as a result.”